Reviews in Brief

Reviews in Brief2023-02-03T14:50:50+02:00

Her Own Legacy by Debra Borchert

Her Own Legacy by Debra Borchert Countess Joliette de Verzat is determined to preserve the legacy of her family’s vineyard in Debra Borchert’s captivating novel, Her Own Legacy, the first book in the Château de Verzat series. The young Countess fearlessly navigates the obstacles of her destiny – duty to the Queen, laws prohibiting her inheritance, a forbidden love, the discovery of an illegitimate brother, and war. When the French Revolution erupts, armed and hungry citizens march towards the Versailles palace – leaving the formidable Joliette to battle for her Verzat legacy, life, and love. With an equally eloquent and dynamic tone, the novel is an immersive piece of historical fiction – both thorough and concise in historical detail – which stands up against other works of this storied time. Charming, gracefully written, with moments of true excitement, Borchert’s historical work is a marvel.

Forget Me Not by Torri L. Fisher

Forget Me Not by Torri L. Fisher Torri L. Fisher’s Forget Me Not: A Caregiver’s Guide to Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease is an insightful and informative guide to caregiving for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease, even at its earliest stages, covering most every issue one will encounter through the lens of Fisher’s own experience, conveyed to the reader with a casual tone. Written with warmth and empathy, the book covers everything from how to recognize early signs of the disease to mental health practices for the caregivers themselves, which is essential and too often overlooked. Though the book is sometimes overly tangential when readers might need more direct answers, it is a handy, humane, and complete guide that should help ease caregivers through the most trying of circumstances.

The Last Leadholders by Richard Deatherage

The Last Leadholders by Richard Deatherage A fascinating, if niche, memoir, The Last Leadholders: Quest for Fulfillment by Richard Deatherage shows how much one must adapt in an ever-changing world, especially to the quick pace of technology. Starting in his ungrounded childhood, Deatherage’s book is as much a portrait of the country and history, as he navigates the reader through the turbulent 60s with his father deployed in Vietnam, and across the US, as his family struggles to find a place called home. While perhaps a bit too detailed for readers who might not know Deatherage personally, his insights into his storied life are recognizable and relatable, oftentimes imbued with humor, but also with an endearing, poignant pathos about life’s frequent ups and downs.

Bravely and Faithfully by Edward M. Hochsmann

Bravely and Faithfully by Edward Hochsmann A gripping high-stakes adventure on the sea, Bravely and Faithfully by Edward M. Hochsmann recounts the missions of the Cutter Kauaia Coast Guard boat with a penchant for tackling unique operations with heroic teamwork. Lieutenant Haley Reardon assumes command of the tight-knit Kauai crew just in time for an incredibly dangerous assignment: apprehending a syndicate leader from a Chinese-controlled Haitian island. Hochsmann’s dynamic cast, energetic prose, and tense plot – showcasing everything from perilous hurricane rescues to the liberation of human trafficking victims – make this novel an enjoyable must-read for fans of character-driven military fiction.

A Sun Going Down by A.C. Aerie

A Sun Going Down by A.C. Aerie Endless royal intrigue, the uprising of an oppressed people, and a young warrior determined to step out from his father’s shadow make A Sun Going Down by A.C. Aerie a powerful and provocative read. A foiled assassination attempt leads the would-be victim on a quest across the sea to carry out his own murderous mission, but the journey opens his eyes to much harder truths about his own future kingdom, and the deeds carried out in its name. Boasting a rich cast of well-developed characters and a patient storytelling style, this plot transcends the classic road journey premise for a fantasy novel. Exploring everything from the psychological impact of war to identity-shaking doubts about nationalism and familial loyalty, this well-crafted novel has an impressive thematic and symbolic foundation.

Deadly Serious by A.J. Thibault

Deadly Serious by A.J. Thibault A punchline-packed thriller that gives readers the ending before unpacking the past, Deadly Serious by A.J. Thibault is a cleverly crafted novel that unravels with slippery ease. A witty and unlikely comedian-turned-sleuth is tossed into the midst of a murderous hunt decades in the making, upending everything he knew about his family, his future, and the secrets often hidden within madness. Channeling the gritty pace of Elmore Leonard, along with a healthy Brett Easton Ellis mood to the prose, the dialogue crackles, the jokes land often, and the spontaneous bursts of action offer a well-balanced, original, and hugely entertaining thriller.


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